The dreams always present in life
Never fulfilled but never remorse,
For better things in life go on
You never dreamt of, yet fulfilled.
The ruins of tomorrow sadly desolate
Yet castles of today tell a glittery tale.
Cobwebs galore in the dark corners,
Needs cleaning yet we ignore.
The enemy assails the castle walls
Fierce fighting rages amidst a storm.
Blood tarnishing the finely painted walls,
The storm and the battle raise a clamorous din.
No victor no vanquished in the end;
Only time Remains as if suspended in animation
While the roots eat into the base of walls,
Nothing permanent, nothing is too strong.
I come out of a stupor; disbelieving
Was it just a daydream because coincidence it wasn’t?
The ruins they now speak a different tale,
Of glory yet shame, of honor and of pain
Transient in time it's true yet
Always present through one of us