In brutal scorching summer days,
on each freezing winter morning,
sitting awake on raining nights,
I dream of spring...
No chill blinds, no stormy winds,
and the sun portraying a flying dove...
Amidst blooming flowers and soothing breeze,
I dream of love...
The purest passion, a mad obsession,
having the innocence of morning dew...
With the serene vision of a million roses,
I dream of you...
Scent of your joy, rendering all worries coy,
your laughter drowning every strife...
With your presence beautifying even my thoughts,
I dream of a beautiful life...
I open my eyes, to a merry life...
with my vision caressed by the spring hue...
Worlds apart, having love in my heart,
with open eyes, I still dream of you...:-)